I have been just a little busy today...my feet are tired. Hubby the dear that he is, is picking up store bought tortillas for quasadillas for dinner. Yes, I am that tired, I am not making homemade tortillas. I should have made them this morning, but oh well.
We dug our spring potatoes over the weekend and dug up about 50lbs, not bad since I planted only 10 lbs to begin with. The kids helped me get 7 quarts cleaned and cut up this afternoon and they are in the pressure canner as I type. I still have some small ones left to can up and then I will can some potato soup base till I at least run out of celery. And store the rest in the pantry closet. It is so much fun to see that mound of potatoes, I can't wait to plant fall potatoes.
She considereth a field and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard v:16
She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengeneth her arms v:17
She preceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not our by night v:18
Proverbs 31
I combined these verses since they are all meaning the same thing at least to me. She is a smart woman who doesn't let the world control what she thinks, feels, or does. she is a wise planner, thrifty, doesn't bog herself down with trivial things, works to learn to provide what is needed, makes things needed with her hands. Again is strong and healthy takes care of herself continually. She is prepared for all things and can provide for her family on next to nothing.
She layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaff v:19
This goes back to being a hard worker not being idle. I think of this verse as being in control. I have always told my daughter to be a woman that her husband can count on. Be one that he can trust that when things are tough she won't fall apart. I have a thing about woman who crumble over a broken finger nail I know that is harsh but I think that when her husband needs her the most she wouldn't/couldn't be there for him.
I don't think this woman is a crumbly person she can stand on her own two feet but she also listens to her husband's counsel so she isn't a feminist but when she needs to she can control an Army and her husband trusts her to do so. Of course that is a figure of speech. :0) But I think you get the gist of what I am trying to say.
This woman is an amazing woman, is it hard to model outselves after her? Maybe, but I think it is because we make it hard.
Our potato harvest. Mostly Irish but there are a few russets the Irish love it here in the south.
Girls camp has spilled over into my home. Our bedroom has boxes of paper products and now our living room corner looks like this. And I still have more to buy. It is so much fun though planning out the meals for camp, I am having fun doing it.
Have a blessed day
Hey Erika!
ReplyDeleteYou know what I love best about your website??? Your music. Sometimes I just open the page and go about my business, just so I can listen to the beautiful music you have!
How's your chickens doing? Guess what we are getting tomorrow? Dairy Goats..... I have wanted to have them for so long, and now finally we are able to do it.
I enjoy the rest of your web work too! Sorry you're so tired from diggin the potatoes, but it'll be worth it. I haven't ever canned any potatoes.....how do you do it, and what is the texture like when you fix them?
talk to you later....
Debbie, from Petal
Dear Erika,
ReplyDeleteI have begun to re-study Proverbs 31. I am finding so many gems while at the same time realizing that I have made it hard to model myself after God's example of a virtous woman.
What you say...that she is a woman that her husband can count on...I agree with this statement completely. When things begin to get a bit rough in the lives of a couple, it is good for the husband to know that his wife is a woman that can will stay the course!
Thank you for sharing. Your potatoe harvest is a blessing!
Your potato harvest is wonderful! What a blessing!! I am sending off a letter to you tonight or tomorrow. :) Sorry it took so long for me to write you - I haven't forgotten about you though! :) So look for a letter in your mailbox soon dear friend! :) Hope you are well! *hugs*