Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rubies of Thought

Her husband of known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land
Proverbs 31:23

She uplifts him and encourages him. She doesn't bad mouth him but builds him so that he has the confidance in himself. He is respected and she has helped him have the confidance in himself.

We should be a helper in our husbands lives, their jobs, callings, in fatherhood, etc. We should try to not tear him down every chance we get but encourage, uplift, and help him.

I think in this world young woman are encouraged to belittle each other and especially the men in their lives. Men are different from us and we each have our ups and down in our makeup. But that is no reason to degrade and belittle.

I love to call scout camp, Camp Caveman because they run around like wild men and I wonder if they grunt to each other as well. But girls camp they are totally opposite and different from the boys it is a very eye opening thing to see.You really see that there is a difference in the sexes but it takes us together to complete each other.

We are each a child of God and deserve to be treated as such.

Have a Blessed Day


1 comment:

  1. Yes, Erika you are right, we are different. And it is our differences that makes us great and unique.

    Tearing our husbands down is the same as tearing ourselves down. As women, we tend to forget that we are ONE!

    Great post and thank you for your dear email. Your words are very encouraging.

    In His Love,

    simply, maria.


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