Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Attracting Attention

I recently had a conversation with someone that has had me thinking a lot lately. This person has been in my life a long time so previous conversations that would go along with the topic have been popping in my head.

A comment was made about women and those that attract attention to themselves just for the sake of getting attention whether it is good or bad. A statement was made along the lines of, "I turn lots of heads when I walk in a room."

That simple statement and many others made throughout the years has me pondering how much a woman can be the fault of a man falling.

Chastity is sexual purity. Those who are chaste are morally clean in their thoughts, words, and actions. Chastity means not having any sexual relations before marriage. It also means complete fidelity to husband or wife during marriage.

We can affect so much just by how we behave, look, or our attitude in public. I remember as a teenager and wanting attention and not caring how I got it. I thought if  I acted a certain way I would get what I wanted. Well, I got what I deserved and that is all I'll say. :0) I had bleached white hair, 3 earrings in each ear, heavy makeup, (blue was the color and electric blue mascara was a favorite).....I did things all for the sake of attention that has taken me years to forgive myself for.

As I raise my children to love and respect themselves and the opposite sex I find statements like the one above offensive. I think that we should feel good about ourselves and that we should want to look nice for our husband...But, there is that fine line of are we desiring to attract every male in the room when we walk in.

When we get ready to go somewhere do we want to attract the eye of a man we might see, do we willingly seduce him with how we dress or act to build our ego? Do we find this to be harmful or not?

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.  Matt 5:27-28

Are we being that woman? I have over the years swayed the way I act and dress to conform with how I feel on this subject. I have also worked on what I think if I walk in and immediately start checking out guys I am being the scripture above. "It doesn't hurt to look," I have heard this many times its what that looking brings on down the rode. It starts with a look and then more.

I want Jesus in my countenance and by acting like the world I am doing exactly what Satan wants and my countenance shows it.

Have a Blessed Day



  1. I have been pondering worldly "things" such as why people buy mega expensive brand new cars and designer bags and lots of excess things. I think it is wonderful if you have the money and can fully enjoy things you have worked so hard to have. I do however wonder how many people are just so in debt trying to look like they can afford things to make themselves feel better.
    Back to your post...I think it is fine to look nice, but there is a difference in being clean, and nice and being seductive and drawing attention to oneself. It always makes me think of the young girls who talk a little too loud and giggle a little too hard, to attract attention to themselves...I was so that girl for awhile. Oh how I hate that I was...I am more interested now in looking nice and being nicer. I want people to remember me for being a good person, not for my clothes or my hairstyle or the designer clothing I wore.

  2. This was left Yesterday by Julie Thank You Julie...

    I have been pondering worldly "things" such as why people buy mega expensive brand new cars and designer bags and lots of excess things. I think it is wonderful if you have the money and can fully enjoy things you have worked so hard to have. I do however wonder how many people are just so in debt trying to look like they can afford things to make themselves feel better.
    Back to your post...I think it is fine to look nice, but there is a difference in being clean, and nice and being seductive and drawing attention to oneself. It always makes me think of the young girls who talk a little too loud and giggle a little too hard, to attract attention to themselves...I was so that girl for awhile. Oh how I hate that I was...I am more interested now in looking nice and being nicer. I want people to remember me for being a good person, not for my clothes or my hairstyle or the designer clothing I wore.

  3. I love your thoughts here. I think a lot of people don't realize the impact your appearance can have on making others fall. Some blatantly love it and use it that way - but I think most don't realize that to lust after someone even in your heart is adultery! Such a serious sin! This was one reason I started focusing on my outward appearance a year or so ago - shifting my focus from pleasing the world to pleasing my Heavenly Father and being very cautious that I am not putting anything on my body that would attract the attention I do not want nor mean to cause. Great post!


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