Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rubies of Thought

Proverbs 31:30&31
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised...Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

Well, here we are at the end of our journey of discovering the woman we are striving to become. Am I overwhelmed? No, but I am not as afraid of the journey I am on. I see that I am on the right path even though I have many bridges to cross I know that I can work hard and be like this woman.

I always thought that fearing the Lord meant just that, being afraid of him. But that always confused me, why would I be afraid of my Father? Then it came to me its not fear its a revered respect.

A few years ago when hubby was somewhat less active at church, Yguy had a problem in Primary. It had been going on for weeks and no one told me. He and a couple other boys, his friends were causing a little ruckus. Just boy stuff laughing, not singing, being kids but at the wrong times. And the Primary president waited till hubby came to church and told him about it. She didn't tell me over the course of several weeks but waited for dad. While we drove home we talked to Yguy about it and wanted to know what was going on. He wasn't in trouble it bothered us more that it was let to set for so long. He started crying right off the bat and was so sorry for what he and the other boys were doing. No one talked to the boys and he thought they were OK. When he found out that it wasn't and that we were disappointed in his choice of behavior he was very remorseful and hurt that he made the wrong choice. After that they contined to have trouble with the other boys but not Yguy.

He wasn't in trouble we were just disappointed in his choice. And he in turn wasn't afraid but respected us for talking to him and he talked to us about what was going on. This was way before he realized mom and dad are not perfect. We are not Gods anymore in his eyes just human :0)

 Our relationship with our Heavenly Father should be of deep respect and reverence not disrepectful or total fear. He wants us to know he loves us but also that he has standards for us to follow and that he is disappointed when we fall away but he isn't angry and he is always there for us when we need him.  

The choices we make or the fruit of our hands will be our beacon of who we are.  While we learn and grow and become more like the Savior it shows in all we do, in our countences, and in every fiber of who we are.

We are more than we think and less than what Heavenly Father KNOWS we are to become. Strive, work, learn, daily to be this woman spiritually and temporally. Don't get caught in the I have no talent in say, cooking do the best you can do that is what is asked of us. Give the best of yourself not the best someone else can do.

One day you will be all that Heavenly Father knows you can be the way he sees you right now. I know that I have only scratched the surface of who I am to become but I also know Heavenly Father sees me as I am to become and I find great comfort in that.

Have a Blessed Day


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