Friday, November 25, 2011

~~Friday Fragments~~

I thought it would fun to participate in Friday Fragments this week. It looks like a lot of fun and I hope I actually have something to post about.

~~~We had a wonderful pot luck at church, we call them Linger Longers so everyone can linger a little longer and visit. The food is always really good and this time we did Thanksgiving stuff, so it was exceptionally delish. Hubby and I were worthless the rest of the day :0)

~~~Yard Saled with my mom this week as well, it is my therapy, I love going and getting lost in my mom's community looking for that illusive deal. This time I went looking for Christmas presents, and came away with a new Christmas tree for $10 I was a happy camper. We haven't had a tree the past two Christmas' our home is so small and so we did something different, but this year we will have one. We did find a few things and had a bunch of fun.

~~~Hubby caught my crude and is sick this week, but I am better though my throat is still dry and voice a little raspy. This cold and then hot muggy weather hasn't helped many people from getting over whatever this is.

~~~Hubby is much better after getting two shots and yes in the butt, :0)

~~~Thanksgiving was relaxing and fun and a little boring. I have no idea why but it was I think maybe going camping next year would be fun the traditional is kinda boring to me and not as exciting as say camping and exploring the woods somewhere.

~~~Ashley (my daughter) made a lovely low sugar pumpkin pie yesterday, very yummy. I found the recipe here, a very basic and easy recipe using all local fresh ingredients if you can in your area. We used our duck eggs and could have used fresh cream from the milk farm we get our milk from, fresh pumpkin if we would have grown some this summer, and fresh seasonings but we didn't. And it still turned out delish and not as sweet though we did put it in a crust next I think we will omit that and put it in little containers like Suzy did.

~~~I do not do Black Friday so am home today, I prefer to make stuff and keep things simple.

This has been fun and I am glad I was able to post something. I look forward to reading others posts.

Click on over to see others and what they fragmented about over at Half-Past Kissin' Time  hosted by Mrs4444.


  1. Well, hey there! Thanks for joining in this week. It's going to be a quiet one, given the holiday (and shopping, I suppose), but hopefully you'll have some company.

    I'm staying home today, too; too lazy. This year, we are giving homemade maple syrup and some dried fruit as gifts to those who will appreciate them.

    Glad you're feeling better. I agree; temperature fluctuations seem to wreak havoc on people's immune systems. Hope your husband is feeling better soon :)

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Dear Erika,

    A happy belated Thanksgiving to you! The letter wrote you on Tuesday finally went out today (sneaky mailman came while I was putting the stamp on Wednesday morning). :)

    I agree that sitting around and doing nothing is pretty boring for Thanksgiving! I'm not much of a football fan, so I was glad to be able to leave early since we left the chickens out. Then I had a few hours of ME time, which was sooo very nice! Camping would be great; you could re-enact the First Thanksgiving.



  3. Welcome to FF! That was a great deal on the Christmas tree.

  4. nice post! thanks for sharing...

  5. love the name of your church dinner awesome and so very true fitting for church dinners come see me at

  6. I don't do Black Friday either. Too much chaos. I think starting a camping tradition for Thanksgiving would be wonderful.

  7. Linger Longers: Love that! I've never heard that before.
    I don't do Black Friday, either. There isn't anything that I need that badly to get out in that mess!

  8. My former MIL is a HUGE yard-saler. She bought a mini-van just so the ladies that live in her complex could yard sale together. I went once... it was quite a day!

  9. Welcome to FF! Congrats on a great pie and a great yard sale find!

    Heather from Acting Balanced

  10. You had a good week and not so good...with hubby catching your bug - I am glad that He is feeling better :)

    I am sure the pie was delicious!



  11. Hello! I'm new to Friday Fragments too. I'm so with you on staying away from the Black Friday shopping.

  12. Pot lucks are always a lot of fun... as long as everyone participates. (I've attended a few that were kind of meager on the dishes) It's interesting to see what people bring. I really enjoy seeing the same dish prepared different ways. The pot luck we just had at work had 3 different mashed potatoes!

    Hope you keep up with the Friday Fragments - it's a lot of fun! Welcome!

  13. I absolutely love going yard sale-ing, but I rarely end up going. Maybe because it's usually a morning thing and I'm not much of a morning person. Great deal on the Christmas tree though!


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