We lived on the Mississippi gulfcoast till 6 months after Hurricane Katrina (yes we went through that storm and the weeks after never leaving the coast) on 5 acres with a 2600 sq foot home that was built in 1922. We raised donkeys, goats, chickens, pot belly pigs, ducks, geese, Rheas(very short time on these), rabbits, a cow, and children.
We have also lived on 40 acres in a 1962 mobile home with about 720 sq ft (it was paid for :0) without running water(we hauled every drop) and no electricity. We raised goats, geese, chickens, donkeys, pigs, ducks,rabbits,turkeys, and children for 3 years there.
My husband grew up on a horse farm, I grew up in the city...:0)
These are posts with the label Country Life 2012 and start Jan 2012
This is a link for posts from the beginning of this blog to Dec 2011...
We love living in the country and with my anxiety it is peace to my soul to have our own paradise away from a frantic world.