Saturday, February 18, 2012

Field Trip

Thursday saw us on the road going north to this wonderful place, Landrum's homestead and village. We had so much fun, of course, just the group we went with was there so we had the place to ourselves.

I read in a book, I think it was the first Tightwad Gazette, that when shows came on to basically make fun of tightwads she would sit and take notes of what tightwads or frugal people did.  When we walked around that village and looked into the Landrum family past that is how I felt, I wanted to take notes of their life, how they lived all those years ago.  
I fell in love with this, of course I have a love for unusual baskets.

Can you believe that big round thing is a icebox or refrigerator. I've never seen a round one before, I don't remember the date on it either.

The hoosier is almost like mine! I loved all the bowls, glass items, cabinets, crockery, quilts, tools, etc. The basicness of it all. Of course there were gadgets, but they were gadgets of that time. We've had gadgets all through history, but its the old ones that catch my eye.

The blacksmith's place.

This was in the middle courtyard, and the gentlemen talking to all of us told us this kettle was used by his mother when he was growing up. They washed clothes once a week using this. He was heating water in it to show the kids how they did it.

This little cabin had three pianos in it.

This little piggy was adorable. A very spoiled pot belly pig that was very happy. Later in the day I saw him/her laying in the sun.

There were Peacocks, silkie chickens, turkeys, and a shy goat. The goat hid in the barn and would peep around the stall doors at us.

A bottle tree, I like the way they did this on an actual tree usually I see them on metal frames that, I think, look tacky. But this one was interesting

For thousands of years, superstition has held that bottles can trap bad spirits at night, which are then destroyed in the next day's sunlight - legends of "bottle "imps" and geniis in lamps originated in Arabia over three thousand years ago, and have been handed down through sub-Saharan Africa, up to Europe, and finally to North America.  Bottle Trees

Of course now they are used for decoration. Kinda goes along with my bottle border from my last post.

See that bowl in the left corner on the table near the enamel pot and brooms....I have two of those that I love! Hubby and I found them at a yard sale last year along with some other crockery bowls.

I forgot there were Guineas too. The one and only male Peacock raised his tail twice, Wyatt was able to take some lovely photos.

We had a nice time, and hubby was able to go with us which made it nicer.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.




  1. How wonderful Erika! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I too often while reading about daily life in the 1800s or while at a 1800's home or place look for ways that I could incorporate what they did in my life. I long for a simpler life, more wholesome life, and find that I am taking mental notes if not real notes on 1800s daily life.

    Your field trip looks like fun and I hope your kids got a lot out of it as you did.

    Blessings, Whitney

  3. Dear Erika,

    Oh, how I would have loved to have gone with you on your field trip. I think you and I could live quite comfortably in one of those old cabins, don't you? :)

    I didn't know you had a Hoosier; what a blessing!




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