Thursday, March 31, 2011

Field trip

We were gone all day yesterday on a field trip to a pizza place. We had fun and the kids received a pizza for dinner. They were very patient with over 20 kids crammed into there little kitchen.

We also stopped by the feed store to get green bean seeds and walked away with 10 pullets. We are moving our chicken yard and changing some things so we gave away our hens. I usually change them out every two years or so anyway. These cuties are barred rocks.

Tomorrow I hope to post some of my sewing projects from this week. I still have two skirts to finish though.

Have a blessed day....



  1. Dear Erika,

    Ooh, Barred Rocks are my favorites, next to Buff Orpingtons! I wish we could hold them. :)

    A field trip to a pizza place sounds like fun, too!



  2. Oh how wonderful! Pizza - so much fun isn't it?

    ~ Maria ~


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