Tuesday, March 16, 2010


 I Love this time of year, spring green is the prettiest green in the world. That brand new shine on new leaves, crocus and daffadills bursting with color. Soon the azaleas exploding and the wild jasmine in full abundance through the woods. Wild dogwoods and crabapples and the many other wild things bringing forth the promise of new things to come.

Baby chicks are a favorite of mine a passion really, I love them. Well, baby anything is a passion to me. Today, these cuties arrived in the mail they are Cornish Roasters and will be ready to put in the freezer the first week of June, about... The black one is our free exotic chick it is fun to try and identify them when they come in.

This is our first bunch this year we plan on ordering another bunch to arrive after girls camp and maybe scout camp and then a batch of turkeys probably around the time this first batch is ready to slaughter or a little before. That is something we are still deliberating on :0)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! How exciting!!! We just bought two baby Rhode Island chickens a few days ago. We wanted to start out small, and then once we get land we can have more room for more. :) It's so fun to watch them - :)


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