Friday, August 27, 2010

The Art of Writing...

I have decided to take some time off from blogging... I have loved blogging but I have let it get to be to much in my life.

Last year our family did a week long media fast, it was wonderful, from that I changed many things, like deactivating my facebook.... But I need to do more.

I have two wonderful blessings in my life named Ashley and Wyatt that need my time more than you do. I have a marriage that has been going well for 17 years but I want it to do better, we have lost ourselves in ourselves and need to reboot and renew the sacredness of our marriage. Our lives of late have been so stressed and hectic and I feel we are forgetting why we first married.

I started blogging April of 2007 and I see a difference in who I was and who I am. I want to see myself again and the world around me, really see not think of what I can blog about.

I am a private person but then I open myself of almost daily on this blog. I find time when I shouldn't to blog or read blogs that time needs to be in my home and loved ones. I have kept blogs I love, to check up on sometimes, but not as often as I do now. 

Tomorrow will be different....
Tomorrow I will be that private person again that finds great joy in her family and in her little cottage and loves every precious minute of it.

I have recently started exchanging letters with a wonderful woman who loves her skirts as much I do, sews, cooks, and many of the same things I love. I have had fun dipping into the old fashion world of letter writing. There is something soothing about sitting on the front porch and reading a letter from a friend you have never met.

I find slowing down, savoring old fashion notions, learning to breath in the world, and letting go of the panic around me helps me hear what Heavenly Father has for me to learn.

I would like to open my mailbox to others who might want to delve into the world of letter writing. I would love to exchange ideas, thoughts, recipes, trials, triumphs, and share my passion/mission for letting the world rush by so that I can hear what I need to.

Email me at pioneerhomemaker(at)gmail(dot)com
and we can exchange addresses if you too like to letter write.

Have a blessed day



  1. Erika:

    What a sincere, honest post. At the end, you talk about opening up your mailbox and delving into the world of letter writing. I'd like to invite you to participate in The Things Unsaid Project, a social art endeavor my best friend and I established just a few weeks ago. Letter writing possesses a sincerity and thoughtfulness that blogging, texting, and e-mail just can't match. Hope you'll consider participating and passing the site onto others as well. While technology is the vehicle to share one's words, the project is rooted in the art of letter writing.

  2. I will miss you, but I really understand.

    It is so easy to fall trap to the world and realize that our priorities have shifted and have gone by the wayside.

    I will be emailing you because I would like to also sit by the front porch and read a letter from a friend.

    Until next time,


  3. I pray this escape and time away from the internet will be a good and soothing one for you and family. And I, too, appreciate your letters! :) There is something satisfying in the old art of letter writing - reaching out across the miles... I pray this time away will be one of renewal and peace and joy! I will write soon! Love, Emily


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