Monday, May 23, 2011

A little bit of Randomness....

Today, is a random post, but those can be the best sometimes...don't ya think?

I walked around the yard today and took some pictures and added them here. This week is a prep week the final week before girls camp and summer activities.

This is also the week we will be slaughtering chickens. I am hoping to get them all slaughtered and canned up before friday, but we will see. We have been putting it off waiting for a new canner we ordered last week that is bigger and holds more jars.

Canning is a favorite thing for me. I really like the basicness of it and enjoy opening those jars of summer goodness during the cold days of winter. Having the right tools is important.

Hubby and I are planning and putting together more food storage. I think we have bounced around it over the years and we have quite a bit, but now its time to get serious.  So Saturday we bought 2 apple and 2 peach trees and more blueberry bushes. We also plan on getting bees soon at least the equipment and if we can still order bees than order some, but if not then wait till spring to order the bees.

I don't want to store sugar and I want something local, producing our own. Also the bees will help pollinate our garden for us. :0)

One of the trees even has a few peaches on it. And one of the apples has blossums.

The garden is growing and doing nicely. Though others are already getting a harvest of a few things we are not. I plan the garden so that we can start harvesting after girls camp, that way hubby doesn't have to worry about an abundance of veggies.

Squash, Trail of Tear beans, and sunflowers.

The trellis' are working out really well.

The gardenias are blooming and smelling so sweet, I just love them.

At Down to Earth she is posting about making vinegar, this is something I have been doing alot of. So far I have made pineapple and apple. We use the apple for our shampoo regime. Its fun to make these things that so many think you have to buy at the store.

Last week I went through all my recipe books and printed recipes and tossed a bunch or added them to the yard sale pile. I thought why keep these things I no longer use and will not since I am changing how we do things and eat.

I thought one way to help yourself in change is to get rid of the temptation so all the recipes I have never and will never use are gone now. It feels good :0)

Well that is all sour dough pancakes to make and some other sour dough goodness to whip together for later baking.

Have a blessed day



  1. Your homestead is sounding lovely! I love canning too - I just bought our first pressure canner to can more! I can't wait to get to work! We hope to have bees on our land too - and fruit trees! (More fun canning! ;) ) Glad to hear all is well with you!
    Emily Fay

  2. Dear Erika,

    Your garden is doing so well, and the peach looks delicious! Good for you, becoming self-sufficient in all things, and for clearing out clutter. It DOES feel nice, doesn't it?



  3. IF it stops raining w/ lots of dark clouds here, I'm gonna' get my garden out of my spare bathroom tub (all in little pots) and into the ground. The low's here @ night already killed what I had in the ground. Happy your garden is doing so good! Virginia

  4. It is these random ones that I truly enjoy :)

    I received your beautiful package...and I began to use them right away.

    Thank you for thinking of me.

    I am quite slow this month in writing...but know always that you are in my prayers and that a little something is being put together...and it is growing and growing, to be send to your lovely home.

    Thank you so much for your friendship Erika.

    In His Love,

    Mrs. M.


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