Tuesday, March 2, 2010


March 2, 2010
Outside my window...
Well since I am doing this over a 2 day period and today it is Monday and lovely outside. A bit chilly but the birds are talking and the barn cats are out folicking in the cool crisp morning. Tuesday.... today is windy with the leftovers of a big storm that visited last night, a little overcast, and chilly.

I am thinking...
That my headache needs to visit someone else or just go away. But it isn't as bad as it was so that is an answered prayer. Also the things that need to be done today and how much I love doing them. Serving takes away all you woes. But I need to be reminded that I serve my family everyday and so I am serving daily 
I am thankful for...
for my children who are sitting on the couch both their heads bent over something they are working on.. together.
From the learning rooms...
We started school back up. Since we don't follow the public school schedule and we haven't taken time off since Papa's visit in Oct, so we took a week off an early spring break. Mom needed it more than they did. But we are back on the bandwagon and ready to go.

From the kitchen...

This is a new link on the sidebar of my blog. I found it the other day while reading a blog and I skipped on over to the site and really liked what I read. I want to follow a more real food diet. We do try make our own breads etc. But we also get trapped in the so busy to actually make something lets just grab it on the go routine. I have always tried to eat unprocessed food since my daughter was young and we discovered she was ADHD. What foods triggered her hyperness, all food was the answer. Well, it wasn't the food it was the processed foods, preservatives, and chemicals. So we made changes and that helped. Now that she can control herself and has learned to without meds we are working on her being able to focus on things and her learning struggles. It has been slow and sometimes tears have been shed by mom and daughter. But her and I both have learned so much from this road we have taken and after being told by the public school they didn't have the time for her.... Well that is another topic all together. This challenge is one I am excited to try to kick start ourselves back into our more healthy lifestyle over the one that has started taking over the last year or so.
I am wearing...
The first tiered skirt I ever made 6 years ago and I still love it. It has little flowers all over it. It is an older fabric I'd almost say it was a vintage 70's maybe. Since it was given to me I am not sure. A turquoise top and socks.

I am creating...
nothing at the moment...
I am reading...
I have a few books on my nightstand that I switch around depending on my mood but all of them are by Wanda Brunstetter and all are really good

I am hearing...

The heater just kick in and the kids giggle every now and then.
The dog groan and he rolls over and another dog snore as she sleeps
A few plans for the rest of the week:
A SRS meeting, youth, visiting friends, stake conference, normal school things, and serving my family

Check out more Daybooks here


  1. ooooo! You are doing the real food challange. Let us know how it goes!

  2. I enjoyed your blog. I like that shirt on your side bar and the link to the real food. Plan on comong back to read more.


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